"You cannot heal a dirty body"
10 Days Still the BEST! Eliminate toxins. Lose weight. Lift depression. Feel healthy and renewed! DANA WHITE WATER FAST10 Days Still the BEST! Eliminate toxins. Lose weight. Lift depression. Feel healthy and renewed! |
SUPER JUICE7-28 Days Tropical fruits and vegetables with added greens and supplements to cleanse and regenerate FASTING DETOX10 Days Still the BEST! Eliminate toxins. Lose weight. Lift depression. Feel healthy and renewed! |
21 Days Fluoride is strongly linked to lowered IQ, cancer, arthritis, thyroid and psychological disorders. Eliminate it quickly and safely HEAVY METALS21 Days Fluoride is strongly linked to lowered IQ, cancer, arthritis, thyroid and psychological disorders. Eliminate it quickly and safely |
JUICINGFresh, organic juices are concentrated doses of dissolving, cleansing and healing factors, rapidly and easily absorbed into the bloodstream, Fasting switches off digestion, freeing the body's 'vital force' to HEAL and REPAIR. |
DIABETESThere is a myth, fruit is bad for diabetics. Not so. There are numerous examples of Type 2 diabetes healed ONLY eating fruit. The 'Reverse Diabetes' program WORKS with either fruit OR vegetables as part of a comprehensive healing program |
ARTERIESYou are going to be delighted at just how EASY it is and how well you feel at the end of your program. Juices are supercharged goodness, hitting our arteries in seconds. We even have a juice combination called 'Artery-Blaster'. |