From birth to death, the "The Doctor knows best" message is, continuously, driven into our consciousness. But is it true? For accident and emergencies, Doctors can be brilliant. Yet, for most of what ails us... cancer, heart disease, diabetes and anxiety, auto-immune disease, arthritis, allergies, asthma and countless other chronic 'incurable' disorders, they are clueless. In their efforts to bring relief, they mutilate, poison and murder human beings, by the million. 'Death by Doctor' is the third leading cause of death in America and, if there wasn't so much under-reporting, mis-reporting and downright skullduggery, it would be number ONE. Buy don't listen to me. I'm a 'conspiracy theorist'. Doctors are indeed cleaver and knowledgeable but when was the last time you heard of a cure, for anything? Ever? If Doctors only treat symptoms for life... because that's where the money lies... and don't address the underlying cause of disease, are they even Doctors? Aren't they just drug dealers? Punch in your symptoms and out pops a drug. When was the last time you visited a GP and didn't leave with a basket-full of side effects or a sore arm? Doctors know only what they have been taught, and treat as they are forced, or rewarded, to treat. They know nothing about alternatives ('quackery' is their word for 'competition'), ignore patient individuality and pay lip-service to prevention. Their grandmothers know more about nutrition than they do. They are so wedded to corporate-bought 'science' and trusting in their bought-and-paid-for, 'thought leaders' they don't question. Just suck up the indoctrination of nonsense, via medical journals, and $400,000 educations they have to re-pay. All heavily influenced by 'Pharma'. Sorry, fellas. From outside looking in, it's junk. Impressive-sounding but still junk. It's no longer a secret. Pharma corporations are 'organized crime'. Merck, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, etc. Their primary goal is to make money, for their owners, and they make staggering amounts. Healthy people don't generate a dime. Sick people do. $2.6 TRILLION a year. Do you really know what's in those vaccines being injected into your infant? Think about it. The 'elites' happily blow up and poison babies all over the world. They have been doing it for centuries. Yet somehow they have benevolent intentions to us and our children? 50% of U.S. children and 54% of adults today have at least one chronic disorder. How is that possible? That should tell you we have a SICKNESS system and not a health system. 'By their fruits you will know them.' A Doctor's job is to MANAGE disease. Not cure it. Doctors who cure get into serious trouble. Do some research and stop being duped. The mavericks the media go after are the very people you need to know more about. For two decades I was sick. Allopathic Doctors could do nothing. Only make me worse with their poisons. For 200 years, they have deceived mankind by labelling them 'medicine'. Eventually, I realized they were never going to heal me and I would have to heal myself. You can too. Your body is always trying to heal. It just needs someone who knows how to identify and remove the various obstacles preventing healing. Someone who can teach you how to build health and stop building disease. A 'disease manager' has no time or interest in that. I still use them, for what they are good at, but Doctors do NOT know best. Once you understand this, you are on your way back to health. Unless, of course, you are satisfied with relief, mutilation and disease progression. 'Drug companies are not here to bring health to the population but to scam them on one level for vast amounts of money, by treating the symptoms and not addressing the cause.' -Sir William Ossler, MD To learn more, feel free to message me or read 'Fire Your Doctor Cure Yourself'. |
AUTHORPaul Keenan, Health & Wellness Consultant ARCHIVES
November 2018
DISCLOSUREFrom December 1, 2009, the FTC required bloggers to provide disclosures whenever there could be hidden interests, or unspoken biases, related to recommendations. To cover myself and preserve your reading experience, please assume that, for every recommendation, link, person, product or service I mention, I was compensated with:
A truckload of money; Stock options; Food; Clothing; Goodie bags; First class travel; Limo rides and Luxury vacations |