It is Diabetes Awareness Month. So, for the remainder of November, I shall be writing about diabetes, an 'incurable' and worrying disorder millions are succumbing to. You NEED to know about Diabetes if you care about your health and the health of your loved ones. It is a message of prevention, recovery and hope. If you are the kind of person who trusts what the mainstream media, politicians and lead Doctors tell you, you are likely to be closed to alternative viewpoints. If that is you, please pass on by and I wish you well. If, however, you are open and wish to raise your level of awareness, strap on your seat belt. It's going to be an interesting ride.
Before we get started, time for a quick reminder. WHAT IS DIABETES? There are two types: 1. Type I. The pancreas is no longer producing insulin. 2. Type II. Your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. PRE-DIABETES. Disorders which can progress to full-blown Type I or Type II. 1. Hypoglycemia. A person's blood sugar levels are abnormally low 2. Hyperglycemia. A person's blood sugar levels are abnormally high. 3. Metabolic Syndrome/Syndrome X. A group of risk factors - high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and abdominal fat. The Global Devastation of Diabetes 415 Million people worldwide (and growing) now suffer from Diabetes. 90% of these are Type II diabetics, 10% are Type I. How serious is it? Very. Six people died, every second, from diabetes and related complications, in 2015. Diabetes causes kidney disorders, blindness, obesity, amputation, depression, nerve damage, exhaustion and heart disease. Many millions are pre-diabetic or unaware they have diabetes. Where Did This Pandemic Come From? I never heard of diabetes when I was a child. Likewise, many of today's other headline disorders. When it did appear they called it 'adult-onset' diabetes. Today babies are born diabetic. Forget the deceit over saturated fat, which was used to push industrialized oils over natural oils. Forget High Cholesterol, which spawned the highly-profitable low-fat food industry; LOW cholesterol is more dangerous. Sugar has always been the worst offender. Not just the classic cane sugar. Diabetes has exploded since the introduction of two highly addictive 'fake' sugars into our food supply. Aspartame and Fructose Corn Syrup. I talk more about this 'deadly duo' later. A Reason to Hope Are you pre-diabetic or a victim of Diabetes? One of the many sufferers whose lives have been made miserable by this disorder? Are you one of the millions who remain unaware of the dramatic effect on your life a Diabetes diagnosis will bring? In the face of any ‘incurable’ condition it is easy to feel powerless and lose hope. What if I tell you there is reason to hope? That the only limit to this hope is your own belief, which is causing you to close the door to any other possibility. Are your beliefs about diabetes your own, or have they been planted in your mind by somebody else? Instinctively, we know Mother Nature would not be so cruel as to deny us the possibility of healing. That is why you are still reading. You are looking for an alternative to insulin or Metformin and the constant need to take readings, micro-manage your diet and respond to crises. Your instincts are correct. Alternatives, such as Diabetes Retreats, DO exist, and by the end of this blog series you will have learned what they are. This is the first blog post in the series. There is much more exciting information to come. Feel free to comment. Your views are welcome. Impolite posts will be deleted immediately. Tomorrow’s blog title: Nectar of The Gods Mustn't forget. Please 'Like' and 'Share'! |
AUTHORPaul Keenan, Health & Wellness Consultant ARCHIVES
November 2018
DISCLOSUREFrom December 1, 2009, the FTC required bloggers to provide disclosures whenever there could be hidden interests, or unspoken biases, related to recommendations. To cover myself and preserve your reading experience, please assume that, for every recommendation, link, person, product or service I mention, I was compensated with:
A truckload of money; Stock options; Food; Clothing; Goodie bags; First class travel; Limo rides and Luxury vacations |