I have certain rules I live by and one these is that I DO NOT BELIEVE a word the government or media tells me. Nothing. In fact, whatever I hear on the news, believing the opposite generally brings me closer to the truth.
An example is when a media expert, complete with bleached-teeth and credible persona, pronounces natural healing 'worthless' because it has never been scientifically proven. What the people saying this don’t tell you is...
Btw. Whatever you read from me, do not believe either. Conduct your own research. Why have I led with such an introduction? Because those telling me Diabetes is ‘incurable’ are the same people who told me the 2009 H1N1 ‘Bird Flu’ pandemic was going to wipe out mankind unless pregnant mothers and infants were injected with an untested, mercury-laced, ineffective vaccine. The same people who wagged Sars, Swine Flu, West Nile virus, Ebola, Zika and many other media-driven scares (known to insiders as ‘cattle-drives’) at us. They are all hobgoblins designed to keep us rolling up our sleeves. We are living in deceitful times. Conventional Doctors tell us diabetes is incurable. Since ‘The Doctor knows best’ we tend to accept their pronouncements without question. Yet, we already know Type II Diabetes is curable because of the 2011 Newcastle Study. Many of those who have followed its nutritional approach have reversed their diabetes and informed the world. That we are still waiting, five years later, for a larger follow-up study, should tell you how much a priority finding a cure is. This study only confirmed what natural healers have known for decades. Dr Gabriel Cousens is famous throughout alternative medicine for curing this ‘incurable’ disorder for over 30 years. Our own Reverse Diabetes Retreats are inspired by his work. How does he do it? By sticking to the fundamentals of natural healing. 1. Stop doing whatever it is you are doing that is making the body sick. 2. Cleanse the body of toxicity (detox). 3. Flood the body with nutrients. There is a little bit more to it but that is basically it. After 25 years of observation and my own ‘trial and error’ there are very few disorders I regard as being ‘incurable’. Type II diabetes is one of the easiest to resolve. Next to come in the series, Apple or Doughnut? [If you enjoy this series, please SHARE with friends] You may not realize it but every time you give your child a 'treat' of a sweetened drink, biscuit or sweet (candy), you are firstly creating a nutritional deficit and secondly, hastening the day they succumb to diabetes, obesity, cancer or other chronic disease. Not just your children but you, too. We are the only species on the planet committing biological suicide by knowingly eating food that is toxic. My dog is smart. When I offer him a sugary biscuit, he sniffs at it, looks at me as if to say, “Are you kidding?” then walks away. What do I do? Scarf down the whole packet. I can't just eat one. Food companies know exactly how to get us addicted. Biscuits have been designed to hit our 'Bliss Point'. What is the ‘Bliss Point’? It is the exact combination of fat, sugar and salt, plus ‘mouth-feel’ that gives maximum stimulation to the pleasure-receptors in our brains. This effect is compounded, today, by the use of High Fructose Corn Syrup and Aspartame, two 'excito-toxins'. We are all being turned into junk-food addicts, little different to amphetamine- junkies in the street. Foods are not just addictive. They are designed to get us to eat or drink more. An example is soft drinks. The drinks companies add extra salt. We cannot taste it because they add extra sugar to mask the taste. Why do they do that? Because extra salt makes us thirsty, so we drink more. Today, our ‘food’ is so nutritionally-deficient, our starving, yet full bodies, keep telling us to eat again. It is difficult to escape. ‘Agri-business’ and the Food Giants have captured the food supply, destroying competition, quality and diversity. We are left with little choice but eat what they present to us on the glittering rails of our local supermarkets. The 50,000 - 100,000 products you see, appear to provide an amazing choice, yet come from just 4 genetically-modified and heavily-sprayed crops, grown in over-worked, depleted soil, owned by a handful of corporations who own ALL the brands, even organic. Choice is an illusion. Another illusion is the whole idea the products your taste buds are salivating over is food at all. In my book there is a chapter called ‘There is No Food in a Supermarket’ which emphasizes this point. What you are buying may look like food, taste like food and smell like food but Fido wouldn’t touch it if he was starving to death. For most people, healthy food choices are unavailable, unaffordable or unattractive. Healthy food would produce healthy populations and healthy populations would put ‘Big Food’ and ‘Big Pharma’ out of business. Do you really think the owners (with their own addictions to $$$) of these industries will allow that? We already know the answer. In 1999 the heads of the major food corporations held a meeting in Minneapolis to discuss the staggering cost to the health of society of their products and what should be done do about it. The result was predictable. They refused to change a thing and stuck two fingers up at humanity. What does this mean for you and I and our expanding waistlines? It means the cavalry are NOT coming to the rescue. It means more diabetes, more disease, more malnourished bodies, more obesity. We are on our own and must learn how to protect ourselves. And do something about the collective insanity that is causing mankind to commit biological suicide. We need to be as smart as our pets. Woof! More in the next blog, The Three Musketeers of Diabetes If you are enjoying this series, please ‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ with friends. For thousands of years mankind obtained our sweetness from natural sources such as honey and bee pollen. Honey was truly the Nectar of The Gods. Today's mass-produced sugar is less a nectar... building our life essence (In Ayurveda they call this 'Ojas')... and more a deadly poison. We seem to have gone collectively mad with the amount of refined and artificial sugars we are absorbing. Our bodies are designed for 1/2 a teaspoon per day of sugar. Over 1/2 a teaspoon per day and sugar becomes toxic to our bodies. Yet we consume 70x that. 128 lbs of sugar per person, per year. If our bodies can only utilize 1/2 a teaspoon, where is all the excess sugar going? Well, some is excreted and some gets dumped into our fat stores. Not only that but the amount of circulating sugar, and insulin needed to deliver it to cells, just wears our poor pancreas out! Sugar seems to be in everything. This massive sugar-assault on men and women’s pancreas is coming from industrially-produced food and drink, provided by giant corporations, collectively known as 'Big Junk Food'. I will refer to them as ‘Big Food’. This industry knows the harm their products are causing but, just like organized crime syndicates, do not care. Not only are they not embarrassed by the immense harm they cause, they want us to eat MORE of it. Sugar has brought them stupendous profits and as long as they can buy the protection of politicians and health influence-peddlers, why would they stop? ‘Big Food’ is not the only industry profiting from our excessive consumption. The Health Industry is also ‘making a killing’. Hush Money? All Corporations try to cut costs and increase profits, producing at the lowest possible price. The largest, reportedly, buying off those who might stand in their way. One striking example is The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the U.S.’s largest trade association for nutrition professionals. This body has, for years, been accepting sponsorships from “Big Food”. All the Food Giants have networks of dietitians, bloggers and paid talent pushing a 'healthy' message. Coke, in February this year, paid sports and nutrition experts to recommend coke as a snack. It really is shocking to see the nation’s nutrition industry hijacked by the very companies whose products most contribute to our obesity and health problems. Now that the Academy of Nutrition is sucking on the corporate tit, they refuse to end this troubling relationship despite the obvious conflict of interest and protests from its membership. Infiltrating bodies like this to neuter them is a smart move by corporations but is hardly in the interest of the public. Type I diabetes cannot be prevented This morning I received a response to yesterday’s blog, in which a reader stated 'Type 1 can NOT be prevented. Ever.’ Since we do not yet know the reason why insulin-producing pancreatic cells are being destroyed, in Type 1, it seems a rather bold and bleak statement. Is Conventional medicine even interested in prevention? Compare the budget set aside for prevention to the budget set aside for treatment and you’ll need Captain Kirk and the Starship Enterprise to bridge the gap. The lack of interest in prevention of disease by the ‘Disease-Management' Industry has been obvious for decades. There are always lots of noises about ‘advances’ here and ‘progress’ there and cures being ‘Just around the corner’ but if you were to take a moment to reflect on similar pronouncements, across a wide range of diseases, over many decades, you soon realize cures always remain ‘just around the corner’. You can bet the farm that, in 60 years, just as with the cancer industry, they will be feeding you the same ‘fluff’ about Diabetes. This is PR to keep us natives from getting restless. It never amounts to anything. Coming back to whether Type I diabetes can be prevented or not, I read this kind of thing often in medical literature and find such statements work better when I prefix them with “To our knowledge…” I am going to keep my powder dry, for now, but would enjoy hearing from anyone who does believe Type I CAN be prevented. It's a balance thing. As for the rest of the blogs in the series, my apologies to Type I's, the greater focus will be on Type II and prediabetes, which form the vast majority of cases. Just so you know, I am not an academic and intend to keep these blog posts as simple to understand as possible. Health jargon baffles most people, keeps them confused and thus, dependent on experts. This might please the experts but I don't see it as being in the interest of us ordinary mortals. More in the next blog titled, Your Dog is Smarter Than You Please 'SHARE' and 'LIKE'
It is Diabetes Awareness Month. So, for the remainder of November, I shall be writing about diabetes, an 'incurable' and worrying disorder millions are succumbing to. You NEED to know about Diabetes if you care about your health and the health of your loved ones. It is a message of prevention, recovery and hope. If you are the kind of person who trusts what the mainstream media, politicians and lead Doctors tell you, you are likely to be closed to alternative viewpoints. If that is you, please pass on by and I wish you well. If, however, you are open and wish to raise your level of awareness, strap on your seat belt. It's going to be an interesting ride.
Before we get started, time for a quick reminder. WHAT IS DIABETES? There are two types: 1. Type I. The pancreas is no longer producing insulin. 2. Type II. Your body does not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance. PRE-DIABETES. Disorders which can progress to full-blown Type I or Type II. 1. Hypoglycemia. A person's blood sugar levels are abnormally low 2. Hyperglycemia. A person's blood sugar levels are abnormally high. 3. Metabolic Syndrome/Syndrome X. A group of risk factors - high blood pressure, high blood sugar, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and abdominal fat. The Global Devastation of Diabetes 415 Million people worldwide (and growing) now suffer from Diabetes. 90% of these are Type II diabetics, 10% are Type I. How serious is it? Very. Six people died, every second, from diabetes and related complications, in 2015. Diabetes causes kidney disorders, blindness, obesity, amputation, depression, nerve damage, exhaustion and heart disease. Many millions are pre-diabetic or unaware they have diabetes. Where Did This Pandemic Come From? I never heard of diabetes when I was a child. Likewise, many of today's other headline disorders. When it did appear they called it 'adult-onset' diabetes. Today babies are born diabetic. Forget the deceit over saturated fat, which was used to push industrialized oils over natural oils. Forget High Cholesterol, which spawned the highly-profitable low-fat food industry; LOW cholesterol is more dangerous. Sugar has always been the worst offender. Not just the classic cane sugar. Diabetes has exploded since the introduction of two highly addictive 'fake' sugars into our food supply. Aspartame and Fructose Corn Syrup. I talk more about this 'deadly duo' later. A Reason to Hope Are you pre-diabetic or a victim of Diabetes? One of the many sufferers whose lives have been made miserable by this disorder? Are you one of the millions who remain unaware of the dramatic effect on your life a Diabetes diagnosis will bring? In the face of any ‘incurable’ condition it is easy to feel powerless and lose hope. What if I tell you there is reason to hope? That the only limit to this hope is your own belief, which is causing you to close the door to any other possibility. Are your beliefs about diabetes your own, or have they been planted in your mind by somebody else? Instinctively, we know Mother Nature would not be so cruel as to deny us the possibility of healing. That is why you are still reading. You are looking for an alternative to insulin or Metformin and the constant need to take readings, micro-manage your diet and respond to crises. Your instincts are correct. Alternatives, such as Diabetes Retreats, DO exist, and by the end of this blog series you will have learned what they are. This is the first blog post in the series. There is much more exciting information to come. Feel free to comment. Your views are welcome. Impolite posts will be deleted immediately. Tomorrow’s blog title: Nectar of The Gods Mustn't forget. Please 'Like' and 'Share'! ![]() Welcome to my new blog and website. My book launch has also just commenced. (Phew!) I'm exhausted and need a Retreat! This is my first attempt at web design. I have tried to create a clean look, striking a balance between looking professional, without being too corporate, and community/family. Some stock images have been used but these will be replaced with pictures from Retreats in our new venues. Naturally, the site will evolve as we see what you like. Feel free to look around, comment, join the community, post reviews and help make the site a place you are happy to return to. If there is a writer inside you struggling to get out, we would love some guest posts from you. Your Help is Needed! The website is live but few know it exists. So a boost is needed to let the world know who we are and what we have to offer. You can help by 'sharing' and 'liking' and linking and emailing. Those who have been through health and wellness (detox) programs, etc.. with me, previously, can help by spreading the word to others who may be interested. Since 50% of us are sick with something, you may be doing your friends a favour. There are lots of new innovations since the original retreats, with a giant leap in quality of venues, variety of juices, entertainment and a whole new fitness section run by the inspiring and experienced Dean Scott. There are follow-up checks via Skype, new detox programs like Super Juice! and Retreats for reversing specific conditions like diabetes, based on methods which have been proven to work. Look out for Special Offers. Returning retreat guests and forum members are eligible for significant discounts! Great Health Advice! What is going to be in the Blog? Well, we live in very challenging times, where sickness is increasing amongst both adults and children and there are many traps for the unwary. So my main focus will be on presenting health information that is useful. If you don't know who I am and would like to know more, Antarana's 'About' page provides some background. My Fire Your Doctor And Cure Yourself book page also has a brief Bio. Once we are up and running and word spreads, the forum will grow. I am looking for under-utilized talent to take care of newsletters, raw or vegetarian meals, social media marketing, musicians, dancing, and someone to pitch in during courses. Having spent years hanging out, meditating and immersing myself in yoga, healing and spiritual retreats, I know how much I enjoyed and benefited from helping with meals and attending workshops. I hope to invite performers, 'gurus' and spiritual leading lights to bless us with their presence. Come and join a meditation or yoga session, enjoy visiting artists and seminars or just pass by and say hello. I look forward to seeing or hearing from you. Most of all, be well! Paul I wish I had known conventional medicine would only provide temporary relief and not cures. I would never have taken the drugs that harmed me. I wish I had known a good natural healing practitioner. With the right practitioner I would not have wasted 4 years on a diet that made me sicker, then 3 years, on a different diet, which made me even worse. Listening to diet experts can seriously damage your health! That is 7 lost years I will never get back. I wish I had not been such a 'Grasshopper', jumping from supplement to supplement, therapy to therapy, and practitioner to practitioner. Never staying with any one, of them, long enough to derive benefit. A good Naturopath would have seen the pattern and advised me. Restoring my health took many years and cost me my family, career and financial security. Imagine then, how I felt when a Naturopath said he could have cured me, right at the beginning, in 3 days. Had I known, I would not have traversed three Continents, seeking cures. I wish I had known why everything I tried, failed. Was it the treatment, the practitioners, or me? I wish I had known how to get off my rear end and make healthy choices, sooner. It was always "I'll start tomorrow... I will definitely start tomorrow." I wish I had known which supplements were beneficial and which harmful. All this and more, I wish I had known. Now, after much trial and error, observation and years of research, I do know. One day, when I have time, I will put it into a book to help others. When it comes to health, we are constantly told of advances. If these ‘advances’ were real, why is a global pandemic of chronic disease now overwhelming us? Why do Cancer cures always remain 'Just around the corner'? despite tens of billions of dollars spent? Don’t you find it odd Cancer cures have been ‘Just around the corner’ for 60 years or more? Isn’t it likely then, they will remain ‘Just around the corner’ for another 60 years? Cancer charities compete with each other for ever more cash, cynically using pink ribbons and injured children with heart-rending stories that make us feel guilty if we don't contribute. Do you know how of your contribution is left after these ‘charities’ rake off their fees for advertising, Boards of Directors and middle-men? 5%. There is a better way to help those with cancer, than handing over your money to professional beggars. Go to any Cancer ward near you and place your money directly into the hands of the parents who have probably mortgaged their home and sold off all their assets to pay the horrendous costs of Cancer treatments. Welcome to one of the great misunderstandings in medicine. The idea someone else cures you. I need to make it clear and you need to understand. No Doctor cures you. No Alternative practitioner cures you. No Natural healer will cure you. Nobody stands over you with a magic wand and says “Abracadabra! You are healed.” If I say a practitioner has ‘cured’ a patient, it means the practitioner has created the conditions such that a healing can take place. The error of conventional medicine is that Doctors make no attempt to create an internal environment that will allow such a healing to occur. Quite the contrary. An already weakened body has to throw off the additional burden of synthetic drugs. The great healing systems of the world all understand THE BODY CURES ITSELF. That is why the title of my book is ‘Fire Your Doctor and Cure Yourself’. The goal of all practitioners should be to fire up and support the body’s own self-healing mechanism, remove all impediments to healing, and provide the body with the raw materials it needs to repair itself. The self-healing mechanism, no longer held back by toxicity, or a lack of nutrients, becomes sufficiently strengthened to heal. And when it heals, it does not just heal your Cancer or your Heart Disease or your Diabetes or your Arthritis. It heals ALL of them. Do you know why Alternative therapies do not work? Imagine having a Healing Toolbox, where each tool is a different therapy. There is the Nutrition tool, the Exercise tool, the Emotional Healing tool, the Stress Reduction tool, the Herbal Supplement tool and so on. There are a tremendous number of Alternative and complementary tools available. How do you know which tool to reach for and when? Might you actually need more than one tool? All of them? One at a time or all at the same time? What happens when you have the right tool but it isn't working? Would you know why? Welcome to the KEY to your recovery. Not just having the right tool for the right job but knowing when and how to use it! Why are there no cures? Why are colossal sums of money spent on managing disease and next to nothing on preventing it? Why do Doctors and Psychiatrists dispense synthetic chemicals, no better and often worse than natural compounds? Why do they never address the underlying cause of our diseases? Why is Medical education and the ‘Doctor’s Bible’ (the Merck Manual) produced by drug companies? Why is, what has worked safely for thousands of years, maligned, dismissed and abandoned in favour of what doesn’t? Why is the Health Industry presently focussing on genetics when people are obviously sick because of what they are putting in their mouths? After many years of struggling with my own health disorders, decades of research and just plain old common sense, I can confidently state that Modern Medicine is not the slightest bit interested in curing disease. Sure, they can patch you up after a car crash but for 75% of the chronic disorders that have fallen upon mankind like Biblical plagues, they only provide relief. Doctors are trained to manage disease, not cure it. When you investigate which powerful families established ‘modern medicine’ (in order to control and benefit from it) it is not hard to see why the Medical profession looks in the wrong direction. |
AUTHORPaul Keenan, Health & Wellness Consultant ARCHIVES
November 2018
DISCLOSUREFrom December 1, 2009, the FTC required bloggers to provide disclosures whenever there could be hidden interests, or unspoken biases, related to recommendations. To cover myself and preserve your reading experience, please assume that, for every recommendation, link, person, product or service I mention, I was compensated with:
A truckload of money; Stock options; Food; Clothing; Goodie bags; First class travel; Limo rides and Luxury vacations |