by Paul Keenan Graves Disease, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, goitres, cancerous tumours. Thyroid problems are at epidemic levels. 40% of women and a growing number of men have an under-active or over-active thyroid. 60% are unaware of the problem. They just feel tired all the time. What's going on? The thyroid is part of the endocrine system, a 'chemical messenger' system, which makes hormones. These hormones regulate your body’s metabolism. When the endocrine system is thrown out of balance, we experience fatigue, depression, obesity, rapid heart beat, weight loss, and more. Standard medical treatments range from synthetic or animal hormones, to destroying tissue with radioactive iodine, or even surgical removal. They attack the thyroid itself. Yet, what if the underlying cause is not the thyroid at all but the SIGNALLING to the thyroid? Chemical messages to and from the thyroid being disrupted? What might disrupt this communication? Let's take a look... 1. Iodine The thyroid needs iodine to function correctly. Iodine is mimicked by the halides... Chlorine (in water), Bromine (in flour) and Fluoride (various sources). These 3 can occupy thyroid gland receptors, preventing iodine uptake. Radioactive iodine, out of Fukushima, is believed to be causing increased thyroid problems in the U.S. 'Iodine deficiency is the direct cause of Goiter, as well as enlargement of the thyroid gland with thyroid nodules and cysts.' Jeffrey Dach, MD 2. Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Thyroid Axis Part of the endocrine system, responsible for the regulation of metabolism. Hormones pass from the hypothalamus in the brain, to the pituitary gland beneath it, then thyroid gland, liver, and finally cells of the body. Disruptions to any part of this axis can affect the whole. 3. Selenium When you are deficient in selenium, you lose iodine more quickly. Selenium is essential for T3 production. 4. Gut Health Stress, gluten grains, glyphosate, infection, GMO’s, antibiotics, vaccines and processed food have all been implicated in inflammation and ‘leaky gut’. This leads to undigested protein particles (antigens) entering the bloodstream. The immune system creates antibodies against them. These antigens are very similar to thyroid molecules, so the immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid. 5. Glyphosate Many of today's gut issues can be fully explained by the known effects of glyphosate on gut bacteria. Impaired enzymes are involved with detoxifying environmental toxins, activating Vit D3, catabolizing Vit A, bile acid production, and sulfate supplies to the gut. Glyphosate chelates metals including selenium. Glyphosate is possibly "the most important factor in the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions that have become prevalent in Westernized societies,” according to researchers. 6. Intestinal Dysbiosis When balanced, gut bacteria produce a chemical messenger to convert T4 to T3. Anything that alters bacteria balance (antibiotics, stress, viruses, parasites, excess sugar, toxic metals) can disrupt production of this chemical messenger. 7. Fructose Corn Syrup Causes a fatty liver and reduces liver function. One of the functions of the liver is to mop up excess T4. 8. 'The 3 Amigos’ - Raised levels of Aluminium, Iron and Manganese Aluminium is a toxic metal which increases the toxicity of other heavy metals. Aluminium is increasing in the atmosphere and soil, is harmful to the brain and can affect the hypothalamus and pituitary glands (therefore thyroid signalling). The amigos can replace iron and copper, important for proper thyroid function, in the electron transport system, impairing biochemical energy production and causing fatigue, yeast and fungal problems. It may even play a role in the development of cancer. You may have normal levels of copper and iron but poor utilization/absorption due to the '3 Amigos'. 9. Sleep If your adrenal glands are weakened due to constantly being in sympathetic ("fight or flight") mode, other parts of the Endocrine System can also be weakened. Sufficient sleep is vital for nervous/endocrine system recovery. The Pineal gland plays a crucial role in sleep and high levels of aluminium have been found in the Pineal. 10. Mineral and Vitamin Deficiency If the soil is deficient in minerals. We, too, are deficient. Without minerals, vitamins don't work. Minerals are needed in higher amounts, to detoxify toxic chemicals and metals, and to help us cope with chronic stress. Mineral and vitamin deficiency cause physical systems and processes to become dysfunctional. 11. Parasites and Pathogens A major under-recognized cause of disease. Arthropods, flukes (flatworms), roundworms, pinworms, hookworms, tapeworms, protozoa, fungi, slime moulds, mildews, bacteria, spirochetes, mycoplasmas, nanobacteria, and more. Parasites can range in size from microscopic (nanobacteria) to 30 feet long (tape worms). They each have their own life cycle and method of reproduction and can damage organs, including the thyroid. The connection between the Epstein-Barr virus and thyroid health is pretty strong. EBV cells have been found in the thyroid. 12. Swan or 'Nerd neck' Computer and smartphone causes postural problems, in the neck. Blood, lymph and nerve flow, to the thyroid, can be restricted as distorted neck bones put pressure on disks and nerves. One more, to make it a Baker's Dozen... 13. Food - Goitrogens, Lectins, Nightshades Goitrogens are substances in food that, eaten in excess, can wreak havoc on the function of your thyroid gland (hypothyroidism, T4-T3 conversion). Cruciferous foods tend to be high in goitrogens. Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale, Kohlrabi, Mustard and Mustard greens, Radishes, Rutabagas, Turnips, Soy. (Before you panic, cooking removes most of the goitrogenic properties) Nightshades Several natural compounds in nightshades can make them problematic: saponins, lectins, and capsaicin. Nightshades were traditionally peeled, de-seeded and cooked before eating. Do the same. Tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, sweet or chili peppers. Lectins Lectins are a kind of protein plants produce to protect themselves. They act like cruise missiles prying open the lining of the gut. Many lectins are pro-inflammatory, immunotoxic, neurotoxic and cytotoxic. Lectins in general are strongly associated with autoimmune disorders. Certain lectins may also increase blood viscosity, interfere with gene expression and disrupt endocrine function. Be well Paul It's disappointing today to see so many vegans who, for perfectly valid ethical and environmental reasons, use guilt and shame to, firstly, defend their own food choices and secondly, beat-up on meat-eaters.
Why do this? To feel morally superior? Many remind me of Christians who are 'holy', for 2 hours on a Sunday, then go home and beat the kids. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and all that. The fact is millions of small animals, birds, bees and insects are ripped apart and poisoned by 'Big Agriculture', in order to put fruit and vegetables on vegan plates. All you do, when you become an ideological vegan, is turn eating into warfare and become paranoid about everything you put in your mouth. Food should be eaten in an atmosphere of calm and peace. I know. I was an 'insufferable vegan'. Cringing at anyone eating a prawn cocktail. It is spiritually wrong to instill shame and guilt in others. No good comes from polarizing opinion and driving meat-eaters away, making it harder to get them back. When you condemn others you bring anger, rage and hatred into your own psyche. How does this benefit you? I use juicing, blending and raw fruits and vegetables because they are excellent cleansers and re-generators. The transformations I see are amazing. Even after many years I still get a buzz from it. Long-term, it's a different matter but you get the point. Sell the BENEFITS of a vegan diet. Tell your story of how it transformed your life. This is a much better way to promote your message. And if people still eat meat, don't condemn them. Food Sensitivity Testing has shown some do well on meat and some, without. How you look and feel is a good measure of what is agreeable to you. Idealism is all well and good when you live in Costa Rica, Goa or Thailand. But most people cannot afford, or find, uncontaminated fruit and veg, grown locally, tree-ripened, picked in season, eaten immediately. They find fruit tasteless because they are habituated to sweet, sour or salty, don't do well on raw, they may live under 6' of snow for much of the year, or simply wish to remain (pardon the pun) 'pig ignorant'. If you weigh 300lbs and live in California, raw fruit and veg is a good idea. If 140lbs, living in Alaska, it isn't going to happen. The reality is 84% of vegans wash-out after a few years. Cold, 'spaced out' and often terribly thin. Forced to stop, despite their strong ideological stance. Be well Paul Keenan Author of 'Fire Your Doctor Choose Life', What's Keeping You Sick? and the LYMECLEAR™ Protocol. There's a belief, 'You are what you eat'.
Not quite. It is not what you eat but what is delivered and absorbed by your cells that counts. With so many today suffering inflammation, 'leaky gut' and malabsorption we are absorbing less nutrients from our food. With this in mind, herbal tinctures and formulas would do better to include 'bio-enhancers' to increase their bio-availability. "Huh. What's that?" you may say. Before I explain, some background... There are countless herbal supplements available both online and off-line. But do they actually work? I would say very few. Why? THE LAND OF LITIGATION Lawyers love to litigate. In the United States, health supplement manufacturers were sued for millions of dollars after their products purportedly 'Made people sick'. Except they didn't, really. Speculators were taking advantage of a little-known phenomenon called a Herxheimer Reaction (or 'healing crisis'). A short-term (from days to a few weeks) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea or other symptoms. This is a normal — and even healthy — reaction that indicates parasites, fungi, viruses, bacteria or other pathogens are being effectively killed off. The biggest problem with a healing crisis is people stop taking the supplement or medication causing the reaction and thus discontinue the very treatment helping make them better. During retreats I am pleased when I see a 'healing crisis'. It tells me the program is working and clients' vitality is strengthening to the point they start throwing off disease. DILUTION AND DOSES Supplement manufacturers avoid the healing crisis by diluting their products until they are virtually useless. Recommended doses do the same. 1 capsule 2x per day will do little. 5 capsules 4x per day and now you are talking. How many people are aware of this? ABSORPTION Many herbal drugs and extracts produce impressive lab findings yet demonstrate less real-life activity. This is due to poor solubility or improper molecular size, resulting in poor absorption and hence poor bio-availability. The Ancients have the answer. 'Bio-enhancers'. Herbs that increase the potency of other herbs. Ayurvedic formulas have used bio-enhancers for centuries, such as black pepper and ginger. Moringa (The Miracle Tree) has its own bio-enhancer within the seed pods. To give extra bang for your buck, I add piperine to my Moringa powder. Piperine (black pepper) increases the potency of herbs by 10-200x. e.g. Absorption of Turmeric is increased by 10x by adding black pepper. Looking at the supplements industry I see few suppliers doing this. On the contrary the unscrupulous, dilute their herbs with cheap fillers, ground-up house plants, twigs and who knows what else. If you aren't seeing any results from the supplements you are taking it is most likely you have a poor quality product or problems absorbing nutrients. 'Bio-enhanced' supplements will help. Be well Paul "THE DOCTOR KNOWS BEST"
From birth to death, the "The Doctor knows best" message is, continuously, driven into our consciousness. But is it true? For accident and emergencies, Doctors can be brilliant. Yet, for most of what ails us... cancer, heart disease, diabetes and anxiety, auto-immune disease, arthritis, allergies, asthma and countless other chronic 'incurable' disorders, they are clueless. In their efforts to bring relief, they mutilate, poison and murder human beings, by the million. 'Death by Doctor' is the third leading cause of death in America and, if there wasn't so much under-reporting, mis-reporting and downright skullduggery, it would be number ONE. Buy don't listen to me. I'm a 'conspiracy theorist'. Doctors are indeed cleaver and knowledgeable but when was the last time you heard of a cure, for anything? Ever? If Doctors only treat symptoms for life... because that's where the money lies... and don't address the underlying cause of disease, are they even Doctors? Aren't they just drug dealers? Punch in your symptoms and out pops a drug. When was the last time you visited a GP and didn't leave with a basket-full of side effects or a sore arm? Doctors know only what they have been taught, and treat as they are forced, or rewarded, to treat. They know nothing about alternatives ('quackery' is their word for 'competition'), ignore patient individuality and pay lip-service to prevention. Their grandmothers know more about nutrition than they do. They are so wedded to corporate-bought 'science' and trusting in their bought-and-paid-for, 'thought leaders' they don't question. Just suck up the indoctrination of nonsense, via medical journals, and $400,000 educations they have to re-pay. All heavily influenced by 'Pharma'. Sorry, fellas. From outside looking in, it's junk. Impressive-sounding but still junk. It's no longer a secret. Pharma corporations are 'organized crime'. Merck, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, etc. Their primary goal is to make money, for their owners, and they make staggering amounts. Healthy people don't generate a dime. Sick people do. $2.6 TRILLION a year. Do you really know what's in those vaccines being injected into your infant? Think about it. The 'elites' happily blow up and poison babies all over the world. They have been doing it for centuries. Yet somehow they have benevolent intentions to us and our children? 50% of U.S. children and 54% of adults today have at least one chronic disorder. How is that possible? That should tell you we have a SICKNESS system and not a health system. 'By their fruits you will know them.' A Doctor's job is to MANAGE disease. Not cure it. Doctors who cure get into serious trouble. Do some research and stop being duped. The mavericks the media go after are the very people you need to know more about. For two decades I was sick. Allopathic Doctors could do nothing. Only make me worse with their poisons. For 200 years, they have deceived mankind by labelling them 'medicine'. Eventually, I realized they were never going to heal me and I would have to heal myself. You can too. Your body is always trying to heal. It just needs someone who knows how to identify and remove the various obstacles preventing healing. Someone who can teach you how to build health and stop building disease. A 'disease manager' has no time or interest in that. I still use them, for what they are good at, but Doctors do NOT know best. Once you understand this, you are on your way back to health. Unless, of course, you are satisfied with relief, mutilation and disease progression. 'Drug companies are not here to bring health to the population but to scam them on one level for vast amounts of money, by treating the symptoms and not addressing the cause.' -Sir William Ossler, MD To learn more, feel free to message me or read 'Fire Your Doctor Cure Yourself'. I see it all the time. You have a chronic disorder like diabetes, cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular or auto-immune disease. Doctors only manage disease, so you decide to investigate alternatives and fix it yourself. You might have a session or two of acupuncture, Reiki, or aromatherapy. Fix yourself a colourful salad, purchase the latest fad supplement, invest in a juicer and start bouncing in the garden, trying not to land, head-first, into the ornamental fish pond. Nothing works.
Why? It’s easy to blame a therapy or therapist but the most common reason for failure is because you are practicing ‘Water Pistol Medicine’. What do I mean? Imagine your house is on fire. You call the Fire Department in a panic. Minutes later, you are relieved to hear the sound of the siren, only to look on in disbelief as the fireman leaps out of the truck holding only a water pistol. Your house burns down. Now, apply the same approach to your health. Your body is sick. You buy an over-the-counter supplement and follow the directions. You don’t improve. Deflated, you conclude supplements are ‘useless’ and purveyors ‘quacks’. They aren’t really. You've just been squirting a water pistol on a house fire. Let’s change the scenario. You call the Fire Department and the fire truck arrives. This time they attack the fire from all sides, with 10 hoses, aggressively and continuously, so there is no chance of the fire re-igniting. They save the house. What do you think will happen to your disorder if you do the same? Attack your disease ‘fire’ with multiple alternative ‘hoses’... cellular and regenerative detox, massage, sauna, herbs, hydrotherapy, emotional and psychological healing, exercise, acupuncture (or other ‘energy’ medicine) and flood the body with nutrients. What if you also resolved toxic relationships, found the money to pay your bills, escaped back to nature, learned to relax, and de-stressed? Wouldn't all that have a better chance of extinguishing your disease ‘fire’? You bet. Now you may not be able to afford all those different therapies, have the time, or know exactly which therapies to have in your healing toolbox. But at least you now know why you haven’t been getting anywhere. You've been trying to extinguish a raging inferno with a water pistol. Be well. Paul When you involve yourself in the Health and Wellness field, there is a certain expectation from others. They WANT, almost NEED, you to be a shining example of what you are teaching. They hang on your every word and willingly follow your lead. Such Guru-worship' is fraught with peril. I have yet to meet the perfect man or woman. They don't exist. Which means Guru-worship almost always ends in disappointment.
Having spent years in and around Spiritual Retreats and Yoga camps, I find both seekers and leaders are able to stay... pretty much... 'on the path', while they REMAIN within this supportive environment. Once outside, it is only a matter of time until their 'light' (which shone so brightly), starts to go out. I have been shocked at certain stars of Alternative Health, who, in their early years, were inspirational but now spend their days hustling astonishingly-priced supplements and gadgets. I won't name them. The Truth About Cancer series, which started out wonderfully, is also overdoing it. Overwhelming my inbox with emails, dripping with insincerity, from people I have never met, Such superficial hustling is disappointing. There are very few people who are truly Spiritual. To the point there 'light' really did shine. In all my years, I only met two. They didn't have to sell themselves. You are, naturally, drawn to them. So what of us lesser mortals? Where the 'Guru' crown sits, uneasily? They CAN be of service to others because they acquire important knowledge. This is me. Yes, I have had mystical, transcendent, trans-formative moments. In and out of Yoga retreats and Christian revivals and during electrifying spiritual practices. Such moments open your mind and help you realize it takes more than a stick of celery and a coffee enema to bring about healing. I have progressed a long way but I am not a saintly 'guru', living a life of peace and purity, in an Ashram. I live in the every day, fallen world, helping in a quiet, pragmatic way. Springing into action when I run a Retreat or have a Zoom consult call. I even have a coffee with friends. Just one, though. Two, make me jittery. As a classic introvert, I am uncomfortable with crowds. Slim 'Vata' types, like me, don't tend to be great advertisements for fasting or raw food diets. We can become gaunt and depleted, making you question whether such diets are appropriate, in the long term. There is a pressing need in society for people with knowledge and experience to do what they can to help others. Which is why I recently emerged from my shell and embraced social media. I block 'trolls', immediately, so my social landscape is a green and pleasant land. I once spent time in a Catholic retreat for novice priests, who had suffered psychological breakdowns in their attempts to be 'just like Jesus'. They weren't and never could be 'just like Jesus'. They needed to become better versions of themselves. There is an interesting booklet given out to British Royal Navy officers. It's called 'The Officers Guide to Etiquette'. It says Officers aren't allowed to eat baked beans or french fries (chips). These 'foods' are considered too 'lower-deckish'. It was humorous, then, when going ashore in one UK Port, to see officers standing in line, in a well-known Fish & Chip shop... waiting for baked beans and chips! I hope you get the point. Don't call me 'Guru'. ![]() Today is a BIG day for me. After 25 years of keeping my life very personal, my journey from sickness to health, which spanned three continents and involved major life changes, is published for all the world to see. Unlike the first edition which received no marketing and was only listed on Amazon, Fire Your Doctor Cure Yourself - Second Edition has been distributed to all the major booksellers. To be clear, this book is not about me. It is about YOU. Everyone who is suffering a chronic, 'incurable' disorder, who is being badly let down by a Health System that only MANAGES disease and has no interest in CURING it. Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, Obesity, Allergies, Asthma, auto-immune disorders, and a bewildering number of conditions I never heard of as a child, have reached frightening levels. Why, is pretty clear, although you will need to read the book to fully appreciate it. I know what some of you are going through. How helpless and discouraged you feel when your Doctor says "There is no cure", and when you investigate alternatives, how overwhelmed you can be with information and choices. First hopeful, then disillusioned, as everything you try fails. It doesn't help that you don't really know what you are doing. It doesn't help you are addicted to comfort food (sedatives), or coffee (stimulants) and your adrenals are worn-out with stress, anxiety and illness. It doesn't help that you don't have the energy to even TRY to turn it around. Why would you even bother to correct your disorders if, as the Doctors say, "It's genetic"? ![]() I have been there and understand. So utterly lacking in hope, I came very close to ending it all. But something stopped me. Suicide was not part of my maker's plan. Just like you see on postcards in Christian bookstores, where a supernatural 'light' shines through prison bars, onto imprisoned monks, I 'saw' that same celestial light and knew I could not end my suffering in such a way. Thus began my long and winding journey back to health. Long, because I knew little about health and even less about natural healing and made many mistakes. Winding, Because I moved around a lot. My voyage of discovery eventually led me to a quiet Indian backwater, where a short, pot-bellied Hindu, standing on one leg, muttering his mantras, cured my arthritis and opened my eyes to the wonder of natural healing. Inspired, I spent the following years studying and experimenting with 'Nature Cure', Ayurveda and a host of Alternative therapies. It wasn't too long before people started to seek my advice, asking me to support them as they cleansed bodies and minds of toxic chemicals, parasites, thoughts and emotions. I coached them how to break addictions, alter lifestyles and turn their lives and health around. There was nothing complicated or 'scientific' about the methods. The impressive results I saw firmly convinced me the ancients knew what they were doing. That the answer to healing lies, not in suppressing symptoms, or adding toxic chemicals to an already weakened body, but in strengthening the immune system and restoring balance, by cleansing tissues, clearing away stagnation, blockages, and acid wastes; and providing the materials the body needs to repair and regenerate. Modern Medicine can be brilliant with Acute and Emergency conditions but for chronic and degenerative disorders, unless and until Doctors address the underlying causes of disease, no amount of tinkering with genes, or chemistry, will fix it. Today my book is published. Will it gain a following or will it end up, as most do, a vanity publication? That is up to you, my friends.
Once Upon a Time there lived a powerful King who had 100 doctors. The finest in the land. Soon, one of the older Doctors passed away and a search began for his replacement. Many candidates came to be interviewed. Each candidate had to correctly answer one question from each of the other 99 Doctors. All failed. One day a candidate arrived who answered all the questions correctly. The King congratulated him and welcomed him as the 100th Doctor. The Doctor spoke:
“Your Highness. I would like to ask the other ninety-nine Doctors a question”. The King, intrigued, agreed. “What are the two most important things for health?” All the Doctors answered incorrectly. “What are they?” asked the King, intensely curious. “A walk in the morning and an hour in the sunshine”, came the reply. So pleased was the King with this answer, he fired all the other 99 Doctors and the new Doctor became the most famous physician of his Age. This ancient story is a reminder of how, in a world filled with complex remedies and impenetrable jargon, preventing illness and maintaining our health is quite simple. The two most important things for health have, arguably, not changed. How many of you take a walk in the morning and enjoy an hour in the sunshine? When I was in the military, exercise would commence at first light. In the Mediterranean, walking is common, particularly after a meal. There is something magical about the cool early morning air. While the rest of the country is sleeping, an early morning walk is invigorating and ensures greater mental sharpness for the rest of the day. Exercise during the day helps you sleep better at night. It also helps with constipation, reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer, burns calories and gets more oxygen into body and brain. Getting our circulation moving improves sexual health, muscles get stronger and so do the bones of osteoporosis patients. Immune function strengthens; ‘bad’ cholesterol drops; stress reduces, and physical tension is released. Walking briskly each day can reduce your risk of heart disease by 40%. What about sunshine? We have been taught to fear it. Why? The effects of this can be catastrophic. Vitamin D is crucial for protecting us against Cancer. Sunshine produces it. Sunshine is also an anti-depressant. We are all pretty miserable in the darker months in the northern hemisphere. Except for a few rare instances, most of us need more sunshine, not less. Heliotherapy (sun-bathing) is part of ‘Nature Cure’ and included in our programs. There is no need for us to be fearful of the sun just because some ‘expert’ says it is bad for us or a few sun-worshippers have melanomas. Everything in moderation. Go out in the sun when it is not too high in the sky, and do not burn. Too much sun may be bad for you. But so is too little. A morning walk is not so easy when you work shifts, live in a city, do not feel safe outside or only have time for a mad dash to get to work. Here you must do what you can. Exercise later in the day. If you cannot walk, ride a bicycle. If you cannot do that, learn some simple breathing and stretching exercises. One fun exercise I do each morning is a Qigong exercise called ‘Tossing the Ball’. It is perfect for almost everyone, including the overweight. It can also be used to dissolve toxic emotions. Instead of ‘tossing’ a ball, imagine you are tossing away anger, fear, heartbreak, hatred or frustration. The exercise can be conducted slowly, or at pace, becoming a super workout. It does not need any equipment, costs nothing and you don’t have to move from one spot. You can search for it online or watch for a coming video on the Antarana website.
I have certain rules I live by and one these is that I DO NOT BELIEVE a word the government or media tells me. Nothing. In fact, whatever I hear on the news, believing the opposite generally brings me closer to the truth.
An example is when a media expert, complete with bleached-teeth and credible persona, pronounces natural healing 'worthless' because it has never been scientifically proven. What the people saying this don’t tell you is...
Btw. Whatever you read from me, do not believe either. Conduct your own research. Why have I led with such an introduction? Because those telling me Diabetes is ‘incurable’ are the same people who told me the 2009 H1N1 ‘Bird Flu’ pandemic was going to wipe out mankind unless pregnant mothers and infants were injected with an untested, mercury-laced, ineffective vaccine. The same people who wagged Sars, Swine Flu, West Nile virus, Ebola, Zika and many other media-driven scares (known to insiders as ‘cattle-drives’) at us. They are all hobgoblins designed to keep us rolling up our sleeves. We are living in deceitful times. Conventional Doctors tell us diabetes is incurable. Since ‘The Doctor knows best’ we tend to accept their pronouncements without question. Yet, we already know Type II Diabetes is curable because of the 2011 Newcastle Study. Many of those who have followed its nutritional approach have reversed their diabetes and informed the world. That we are still waiting, five years later, for a larger follow-up study, should tell you how much a priority finding a cure is. This study only confirmed what natural healers have known for decades. Dr Gabriel Cousens is famous throughout alternative medicine for curing this ‘incurable’ disorder for over 30 years. Our own Reverse Diabetes Retreats are inspired by his work. How does he do it? By sticking to the fundamentals of natural healing. 1. Stop doing whatever it is you are doing that is making the body sick. 2. Cleanse the body of toxicity (detox). 3. Flood the body with nutrients. There is a little bit more to it but that is basically it. After 25 years of observation and my own ‘trial and error’ there are very few disorders I regard as being ‘incurable’. Type II diabetes is one of the easiest to resolve. Next to come in the series, Apple or Doughnut? [If you enjoy this series, please SHARE with friends] You may not realize it but every time you give your child a 'treat' of a sweetened drink, biscuit or sweet (candy), you are firstly creating a nutritional deficit and secondly, hastening the day they succumb to diabetes, obesity, cancer or other chronic disease. Not just your children but you, too. We are the only species on the planet committing biological suicide by knowingly eating food that is toxic. My dog is smart. When I offer him a sugary biscuit, he sniffs at it, looks at me as if to say, “Are you kidding?” then walks away. What do I do? Scarf down the whole packet. I can't just eat one. Food companies know exactly how to get us addicted. Biscuits have been designed to hit our 'Bliss Point'. What is the ‘Bliss Point’? It is the exact combination of fat, sugar and salt, plus ‘mouth-feel’ that gives maximum stimulation to the pleasure-receptors in our brains. This effect is compounded, today, by the use of High Fructose Corn Syrup and Aspartame, two 'excito-toxins'. We are all being turned into junk-food addicts, little different to amphetamine- junkies in the street. Foods are not just addictive. They are designed to get us to eat or drink more. An example is soft drinks. The drinks companies add extra salt. We cannot taste it because they add extra sugar to mask the taste. Why do they do that? Because extra salt makes us thirsty, so we drink more. Today, our ‘food’ is so nutritionally-deficient, our starving, yet full bodies, keep telling us to eat again. It is difficult to escape. ‘Agri-business’ and the Food Giants have captured the food supply, destroying competition, quality and diversity. We are left with little choice but eat what they present to us on the glittering rails of our local supermarkets. The 50,000 - 100,000 products you see, appear to provide an amazing choice, yet come from just 4 genetically-modified and heavily-sprayed crops, grown in over-worked, depleted soil, owned by a handful of corporations who own ALL the brands, even organic. Choice is an illusion. Another illusion is the whole idea the products your taste buds are salivating over is food at all. In my book there is a chapter called ‘There is No Food in a Supermarket’ which emphasizes this point. What you are buying may look like food, taste like food and smell like food but Fido wouldn’t touch it if he was starving to death. For most people, healthy food choices are unavailable, unaffordable or unattractive. Healthy food would produce healthy populations and healthy populations would put ‘Big Food’ and ‘Big Pharma’ out of business. Do you really think the owners (with their own addictions to $$$) of these industries will allow that? We already know the answer. In 1999 the heads of the major food corporations held a meeting in Minneapolis to discuss the staggering cost to the health of society of their products and what should be done do about it. The result was predictable. They refused to change a thing and stuck two fingers up at humanity. What does this mean for you and I and our expanding waistlines? It means the cavalry are NOT coming to the rescue. It means more diabetes, more disease, more malnourished bodies, more obesity. We are on our own and must learn how to protect ourselves. And do something about the collective insanity that is causing mankind to commit biological suicide. We need to be as smart as our pets. Woof! More in the next blog, The Three Musketeers of Diabetes If you are enjoying this series, please ‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ with friends. |
AUTHORPaul Keenan, Health & Wellness Consultant ARCHIVES
November 2018
DISCLOSUREFrom December 1, 2009, the FTC required bloggers to provide disclosures whenever there could be hidden interests, or unspoken biases, related to recommendations. To cover myself and preserve your reading experience, please assume that, for every recommendation, link, person, product or service I mention, I was compensated with:
A truckload of money; Stock options; Food; Clothing; Goodie bags; First class travel; Limo rides and Luxury vacations |